Food analysis
Food safety is one of the major analytical need in the world. Nevertheless, this is also related to very complex matrices. So specific methods may be required.
In order to address this area, Affinisep has developed AFFINIMIP®SPE columns for ready-to-use kits based on selective solid phase extraction cartridges using Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP) concept.
Analysis of mycotoxins
AFFINIMIP® SPE Patulin to concentrate and cleanup prior to analysis by HPLC or LC-MS. In addition, pectinase, standard and any equipment to implement this analysis are available.
AFFINIMIP® SPE Ochratoxin A to clean and concentrate the toxin prior to analysis by HPLC.
AFFINIMIP® SPE Zearalenone for Zearalenone and related structures.
AFFINIMIP® SPE Deoxynivalenol for the extraction of Deoxynivalenol (DON) and its analogues 3-AcetylDON and 15-AcetylDON prior to analysis by HPLC from cereals such as Oat, Wheat, Corn or processed food (pasta…) and babyfood.
AFFINIMIP® SPE FumoZON to clean and concentrate Zearalenone and Fumonisins B1+B2 prior to analysis by HPLC-MS.
AFFINIMIP® SPE Multimyco LCMSMS is a Multimycotoxins solid phase extraction cartridge that SIMULTANEOUSLY cleans up and concentrates main regulated mycotoxins prior to analyses by LC-MS/MS (AFLATOXINS B1, B2, G1, G2; OCHRATOXIN A; HT-2; T-2; FUMONISINS B1, B2; ZEARALENONE; DEOXYNIVALENOL (DON)).
Analysis of drug residues in animal origin food
AFFINIMIP® SPE Chloramphenicol are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that selectively clean and concentrate chloramphenicol.
AFFINIMIP® SPE Tetracyclines are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that clean and concentrate Tetracyclines [TETRACYCLINE, CHLORTETRACYCLINE and OXYTETRACYCLINE), their EPIMERS and DOXYCYCLINE prior to analysis.
AFFINIMIP® SPE Beta-agonists are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that clean and concentrate beta-agonists [Salbutamol, Zilpaterol, Ractopamine, Clenbuterol…] prior to analysis by HPLC-MS.
AFFINIMIP® SPE Aminoglycosides are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that clean and concentrate this family of molecules prior to analysis by HPLC-MS/MS.
Analysis of Endocrine disruptors
AFFINIMIP® SPE Bisphenols are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that selectively clean and concentrate Bisphenol A and closely related structures such as BADGE prior to analysis by chromatography (LC, GC…).
AFFINIMIP® SPE Estrogens are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that selectively clean and concentrate Estrogens prior to analysis by HPLC.
AFFINIMIP® SPE Zeranol Residues are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that selectively clean and concentrate Zeranol residues prior to analysis by HPLC.
Analysis of pesticides
AFFINIMIP® SPE Glyphosate are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that selectively clean and concentrate Glyphosate, AMPA and glufosinate.
Qcleanup Quechers are commonly used for other pesticides analysis in food.
Analysis of POPs
AFFINIMIP® SPE PAHs are selective solid phase extraction cartridges that selectively clean and concentrate Polyaromatic hydrocarbons such as benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, chrysene and benzo[a]anthracene from fatty foods (oil) prior to analysis by HPLC.
AttractSPE®WAX is a weak anion exchange polymeric phase particularly suited for the extraction of strong acids (pKa) as prohibited food contaminants, antibiotics, growth promoters, pesticides in food & beverage…