Water analysis

Kits for checking water quality by measuring contaminants such as pesticides, PAHs, drug residues…

Measuring water quality in rivers, groundwater or seawater is essential. Several families of contaminants are regulated and the monitoring of new emerging contaminants is also becoming crucial.

  • Drug residues
  • Pesticides
  • PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) composed of several aromatic rings
  • PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls), Furans and Dioxins which are persistent organic pollutants (POP)
  • Endocrines disruptors (Bisphenols, synthetic estrogens)
  • Perfluorinated compounds
  • Organotins

AFFINISEP markets a large range of kits for checking water quality by measuring contaminants:

  • AttractSPE® portfolio is a range of polymeric sorbents like HLB (hydrophilic and hydrophobic interactions), DVB (hydrophobic), ionic polymers for weak or strong interactions (SAX, WAX, SCX, WCX). This is the ideal products for multiresidues analysis of PAHs, drug residues or pesticides. These products are available as a SPE disk format or as SPE columns. SPE disks presents the advantage of loading a large volume of water with a high flow rate. SPE columns can be used manually or with most automates.


SilactSPE kits