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New Webinar!

Exploring Sample Prep and Instrument Parameters for Phosphoproteomics

Date: 18 June, 2024

Start times:

  • United States: 8:00 am PST (Seattle) | 11:00 am EST (New York)
  • Europe: 4:00 pm GMT (London) | 5:00 pm CEST (Paris)

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes


  • Seamus MORRONE, Institute for Systems Biology, Moritz Lab, USA
  • Florine HALLEZ, PhD, Product Manager Bioanalysis, Affinisep France

Animated by Mana SHAFAEI, VP of Business Development – Americas, Affinisep USA

By attending this presentation, you will learn:

  • The importance of phospho-enrichment
  • How the SPE clean-up method can influence phosphopeptide recovery
  • The instrument parameters important for phospho-detection
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It all began with two passionate PhDs in chemistry driven by a strong entrepreneurial spirit, specializing in polymers!
Their expertise? Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) technology.

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10th October 2013: Affinisep company founded

From research to entrepreneurship, Affinisep’s mission is to put its knowledge and expertise at the service of scientists. In a spirit of collaboration with laboratories around the world, the founders decided to develop and manufacture turnkey kits for simplified and high-performance analyses, a revolution in the field of sample preparation.

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2014: Creation of AFFINIMIP®SPE for food safety

AFFINIMIP®SPE range based on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP) technology are SPE products dedicated to food safety, quality control and analysis of food and environmental contaminants, such as Glyphosate, PAHs, PFAS, Aminoglycosides and many others.

  • First product launch: the innovative AFFINIMIP®SPE Patulin kit, world leader SPE kit for Patulin analysis.
  • Development of the AFFINIMIP®SPE Mycotoxins and AFFINIMIP®SPE Bisphenols ranges.
  • Expansion to other applications: the range is constantly evolving and growing (products dedicated to the analysis of PAH hydrocarbons, pesticides/herbicides, antibiotics, etc.).

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2015: Creation of the AttractSPE® polymers range

Affinisep is gradually increasing its production capacity and developing a new range of AttractSPE® HLB, DVB, SAX (MAX), SCX (MCX), WCX, WAX polymers.

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2016: Passive sampling for environmental analysis

Development of our range dedicated to passive sampling for water analysis. Market launch of our POCIS HLB and Glyphosate.

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2019: Launch of a new technology with AttractSPE®Disk

Affinisep develops a new range based on an innovative membrane marketed under the AttractSPE® Disk brand (C18, C8, C4, HLB, DVB, SAX, WAX, SCX, WCX).

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2020: New prospects and involvement in the bioanalysis market

  • Business development for Bioanalysis

Enrichment of our know-how: Affinisep brings its expertise to bioanalysis (omics) by developing products dedicated to microelution with a new AttractSPE® Disk microelution range.

  • Subsidiary in the USA

Opening of a subsidiary in the United States. In addition to a distributor network already consolidated around the world (Europe, Asia, Oceania…), Affinisep is continuing to develop its international presence and is setting up operations on the other side of the Atlantic, in America.

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2021: New facilities

Renovation of a former industrial site to host the company’s new headquarters, with the creation of modern laboratories to accommodate a larger and robotized production capacity. The Affinisep team is growing up again!

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2022: Creation of the BioSPE® range

  • Launch of a new BioSPE® range of ready-to-use kits dedicated to proteomic and metabolomic applications.
  • Our new e-commerce site goes online to offer you our entire product catalog and meet your needs worldwide.

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2023: It’s our 10th anniversary!

Thank you for believing in us from the start, and for trusting us all these years. Already 10 years of R&D, innovation and growth, and this is only the beginning of the adventure!

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Save money while saving the planet with AttractSPE® Tips C18!

AttractSPE® Tips C18: for which use?

AttractSPE® Tips C18 are spinnable and automatable SPE tips (StageTips), useful for biomolecular applications in proteomics, such as peptide desalting, and biomarker discovery.
These SPE Tips are also compatible with automates for high throughput analysis.

Economical & Ecological packaging

960 SPE Tips – StageTips in bulk packs: what are the benefits?

  • Cut costs, not quality!
    The bulk packaging represents a reduction up to 30% compared to the price of 10 boxes of 96 SPE tips!
  • Bye bye plastic!
    The new packaging limits our environmental impact since it is made with 90% less plastic and is 100% recyclable!

New packaging available for all AttractSPE® Tips C18, whatever the size (10μL, 200μL, 1mL) and capacity (T1, T2, T3).

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Find our product here!

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For peptide desalting

For peptide fractionation

AttractSPE®Disks Tips C18 – Desalting

  • Microelution SPE Tips made with AttractSPE® Disks C18 sorbent: soft, thin and mechanically stable membrane, made of small sorbent particles tightly embedded, with reduced dead volume, small elution volume and high capacity
  • More than 97% proteins identified after desalting of HeLa digest on AttractSPE®Disks Tips C18 (200µL), with no loss of peptides
  • Good retention of peptides on the whole polarity range
  • Excellent repeatability (RSD < 3%)
  • Broad range of use: from single cell-like analysis (1ng) to high peptide amounts (> 10 µg)

BioSPE PepFrac – Fractionation

  • New reversed-phase resin based on Affinisep disks technology for peptide fractionation at high pH (orthogonal to RPLC peptide separation): reduction of sample complexity for deep proteome sequencing and quantitative analysis
  • Fractionation of 50µg peptides resulting from the tryptic digestion of proteins contained in HEK cells: 8 fractions with ACN gradient (2% to 50%) on BioSPETM PepFrac 200µL Tips
  • High number of proteins identified (increase of 20% compared to unfractionated samples)
  • Good distribution of peptides in all fractions and efficient fractionation with minimum fraction overlapping
  • Results similar to competitor fractionation kit but no storage constraints for BioSPETM PepFrac (store dry at room temperature) and evaporation time divided by two
  • Flexibility of format and capacity: BioSPETM PepFrac available as spin columns for high peptide amounts and as 96 wellplates for high throughput experiments

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information!

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For PAHs extraction from oil

Affinimip® PAHs

  • Easy and fast process of extraction of PAHs from olive and canola oils matrices, with high recovery yields (> 83%) and low RSD (<7%)
  • Efficient extraction of HAP from CBD oil, after a first sample cleanup on AttractSPE® Passthrough PAHs (recovery > 86%)

Read or download our poster >

Poster for peptide desalting

AttractSPE®Disks Tips C18 – Desalting (in food matrices)

  • Microelution SPE Tips made with AttractSPE® Disks C18 sorbent: soft, thin and mechanically stable membrane, made of small sorbent particles tightly embedded, with reduced dead volume, small elution volume and high capacity
  • More than 97% proteins identified after desalting of HeLa digest on AttractSPE®Disks Tips C18 (200µL), with no loss of peptides
  • Good retention of peptides on the whole polarity range
  • Excellent repeatability (RSD < 3%)
  • Broad range of use: from single cell-like analysis (1ng) to high peptide amounts (> 10 µg)

Read or download our poster >

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Meet Affinisep during 2024 exhibitions and conferences!

September 2024

When: 4th to 6th September, 2024
Where: Warwick, UK
Domain: Bioanalysis

Symposium organised by the British Society for Proteome Research and the British Society for Mass Spectrometry. 

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When: 10th to 13th September, 2024
Where: Rockville, MD, United States
Domain: Bioanalysis

Practical application of mass spectrometry (MS) in the biotechnology industry.

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When: 16th to 19th September, 2024
Where: Lille, France
Domain: Bioanalysis

Conference held by the French Society of Mass Spectrometry (SFSM) and the French Proteomics Society (FPS).

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When: 27th September, 2024
Where: Georgia, United States
Domain: Bioanalysis

The Atlanta-Athens Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group 

October 2024

  • JIE

When: 8th to 10th October, 2024
Where: Poitiers, France
Domain: Water analysis

November 2024

  • RAFA

When: 5th to 8th November, 2024
Where: Praha, CZ
Domain: Food analysis

2024 Completed events

March 2024

When: 9th to 12th March 2024.
Where: Portland, Oregon (USA).

Field: Biological Analysis.

Meet us at booth #103!

Also discover our poster 572 on the development and optimization of an automated method for peptide desalting!

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When: 10th to 13th March 2024.
Where: Freising, Germany.

Meet us booth n°3!

Discover also our 2 posters about :
– A new method for automated peptide desalting
– Fast and efficient peptide fractionation in proteomic studies

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April 2024

When: 9th to 12th April 2024.
Where: Munich, Germany.

Meet us at booth A1.418!
And know more about Affinisep innovation for Proteomic analysis, Food safety and water monitoring and to discover how Affinisep can improve your sample Preparation workflow!

banniere affinisep analytica 2024

May 2024

When: 12th to 14th May 2024.
Where: Limoges, France

Meet our expert in water analysis at the 14th International Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium in Europe!

When: 22th to 24th May 2024.
Where: Bordeaux, France
Domain: Environment – water analysis

Join us at GRUTTEE, the 15th international conference dedicated to water treatment.

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When: 29th to 30th May 2024.
Where: Rouen, France
Domain: Bioanalysis

Meet us at the 5th International Conference on Post-Translational Modifications in Bacteria

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June 2024

When: 2nd to 6th June 2024.
Where: Anaheim, CA, USA

Meet us at booth 327!

Discover also our posters:

  • High-pH reversed-phase peptide fractionation on innovative SPE microelution well plates for high-throughput and automated workflows in proteomic studies

  • Development and optimization of a method for automated peptide desalting on the DigestPro MSi robot using AttractSPE® C18 tips
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Discover our new SPE solution for beta-agonist analysis as well as our new application note showing the determination of beta-agonist compounds in foods using AFFINIMIP®SPE Beta-Agonists.

Click here to learn more

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This tutorial video is for simple analysis of Glyphosate and its metabolites without derivatization in Complex Matrix!

AFFINIMIP®SPE Glyphosate is a very powerful kit for the cleanup of glyphosate, AMPA and glufosinate in water and food. This kit is supplied with a ready-to-use protocol for several tested matrices such as tea, honey, cereals… These applications are also gathered in an application notebook.

To make your life even easier, we have now prepared a tutorial video with tips and tricks.

Or course, our technical support remains available to help you to implement these methods if required…

Click here to see the tutorial >

Passive samplers based on SPE disks is an easy and reliable way to monitor hydrophilic contaminants including emerging compounds in natural waters for long periods.

SPE disks are easy to handle before and after the exposure on the field, strongly reducing risks of loss of information during these steps.
 More particularly, AttractSPE®Disks HLB is becoming the workhorse of this field thanks to the large range of molecules this disk can uptake.   In recent publications, major organizations in passive sampling have used AttractSPE®Disks HLB to monitor contaminants emerging concerns (CEC) in UK or in Central Europe. More than 150 pharmaceuticals, illicit drugs, drug metabolites, personal care products and pesticides were checked.

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