Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Sampler (POCIS) are very common and useful passive samplers for monitoring polar organic chemicals in several aquatic environments such as freshwater, groundwater, seawater, etc…
This Integrative sampling method can adsorb an extensive range of contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), pesticides including glyphosate, endocrine disruptors, fragrances, fire retardants, perfluorinated compounds (PFAS), plasticizers, and their degradation products.

Initially, POCIS was designed to mimic the respiratory exposure of aquatic organisms to dissolved chemicals. Nowadays they are used either as qualitative tools to determine contaminants present in the environment or as quantitative tools to determine the Time Water Average Concentrations (TWACs). This requires more information and is influenced by environmental parameters.
POCIS are very popular because they are easy to use and require no maintenance and energy during the exposure period.
Several formats are available to adapt sampling to field constraints.
The most popular product is the round POCIS (90mm diameter). However, two other narrow formats (5 cm width) are also available for groundwater monitoring.
Affinisep has selected several combinations of sorbent and membranes to efficiently monitor a broad range of contaminants:
- AFFINIMIP®SPE GLYPHOSATE is a passive sampler designed for the monitoring of glyphosate, AMPA and glufosinate
- AttractSPE®POCIS HLB for the monitoring of pesticides and drug residues
- AttractSPE®POCIS Pesticides for the monitoring of pesticides
- AttractSPE®POCIS EDC+ for the monitoring of endocrine disruptors
- AttractSPE®POCIS PFAS for the monitoring of perfluorinated compounds
POCIS with a PRC
In addition, AttractSPE®POCIS HLB and AttractSPE®POCIS pesticides can be supplied with a performance reference compounds (PRC). The dissipation of the PRC during the exposure period can be used to correct the evaluated concentration. For these POCIS, desisopropyl-atrazine-d5 (DIA-d5) can be used as PRC.
This sampler consists of a solid powder sorbent between two filtration membranes.
1. POCIS is mounted on a holder inside a canister to protect from any floating object.
2. During the exposure period, the organic pollutants pass through the membranes and accumulate on the sorbent integratively for one or more weeks.
3. The POCIS is then washed and sent to the laboratory to extract the sorbent.
4. AFFINISEP provides empty cartridges and frits for powder transfer.
5. Once the sorbent is in the SPE column, contaminants can be eluted prior to an analysis by chromatography.
- Monitoring of broad range of drugs and pesticides including glyphosate
- Can generate a time-weighted average (TWA) concentration of the contaminants in water
- Formats for surface water monitoring and for groundwater
AFFINISEP provides a complete range of sorbents for the retention of specific molecules or a family of contaminants as well as all necessary accessories such as holder, canister, manifold, etc.
For more information and scientific articles, see our page dedicated to environmental monitoring in water.
Application note - Passive sampling for the analysis of 12 endocrine disruptors in river water using AttractSPE® POCIS – EDC+
In this application note, AttractSPE® POCIS – EDC+ has been evaluated and calibrated for the uptake of 12 endocrine disruptors before analysis by LC-MSMS. Sampling rates were determined for two stirring speeds.
Poster on Pocis
Poster “New molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) used as SPE clean up method and as a passive sampler receiving phase for the catchment of glyphosate and AMPA in water”
Product families

POCIS for the monitoring of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in water

POCIS contains HLB for the monitoring of pharmaceutical drug residues and pesticides.

AttractSPE®POCIS Pesticides
POCIS for the monitoring of pesticides compounds (For Glyphosate, please use AFFINIMIP POCIS GLYPHOSATE).