C8 SPE cartridges

Moderately hydrophobic and non-polar sorbent

End -capped C8 and Not – end – capped

SPE columns available with powder or SPE disks sorbents

Moderately hydrophobic and non-polar sorbent

Sorbent C8 is more selective than Sorbent C18 for big compounds such as PAHs, vitamin D, and oils as well as greasy compounds. It particularly suits for the extraction of extremely non-polar compounds.

SilacSPE™C8 and C8 NEC are respectively end-capped and not-end-capped powder sorbents in SPE columns.


SPE columns with a SPE disks sorbent known as AttractSPE® disks cartridges have been developped for large scale proteins/peptides purification/desalting.

Products list

Product Image Product Name Product Description Product Quantity Product Price Cart Actions

SilactSPE™ C8

Ref. : C8-100.S.1.100

End - capped C8 based sorbent SPE cartridges - 100/pk - 1mL/100mg

SilactSPE™ C8

Ref. : C8-50.S.3.500

End - capped C8 based sorbent SPE cartridges - 50/pk - 3mL/500mg

SilactSPE™ C8

Ref. : C8-100.S.1.50

End - capped C8 based sorbent SPE cartridges - 100/pk - 1mL/50mg

SilactSPE™ C8

Ref. : C8-50.S.6.500

End - capped C8 based sorbent SPE cartridges - 50/pk - 6mL/500mg

SilactSPE™ C8

Ref. : C8-50.S.6.2000

End - capped C8 based sorbent SPE cartridges - 50/pk - 6mL/2g

SilactSPE™ C8

Ref. : C8-50.S.6.1000

End - capped C8 based sorbent SPE cartridges - 50/pk - 6mL/1g

SilactSPE™ C8

Ref. : C8-50.S.3.200

End - capped C8 based sorbent SPE cartridges - 50/pk - 3mL/200mg